
  • Online Exam
  • Offline Exam
  • Calculation of Grade
  • Admission Card
  • Follow up of the Heirarchy
  • Automated Moderation

There is a provision of Digital/Online exam in which there is a way of Initiating the exam--right from HOD to Course Incharge to Faculty who would be setting Question Paper. Various such faculty would set the question paper. This would get reviewed by by Course Incharge/HOD and then the final paper would get an approval from Controller of Examination. Students can take the exams any time from anywhere.

The marks of the Exams conducted traditionally through pen/paper can be imported through excel sheet for further processing for result declaration, analytics, grade book calculation, and CO-PO calculations.

Every institution has its own way of calculating final grades and giving different weightage to internal/external assessments. On Edhitch Platform, one can have a customized way of calculation of grades.

Based on a students Department, semester, subjects chosen he/she will be able to download their admission card.

The chain of officials/academics that are involved in examination process will get their own account and permissions so that they could work accordingly.
Course In Charge
Course In Charge
Controller of Examination

It is easy to make the question paper moderation automated, out of a large pool of questions the machine would automatically randomly choose some questions so that the exam paper moderation can have minimum manual intervention.