Create Classes Professors can create their private web classes and invite students to join
Online Assignments It allows professors to post assignment to their private classes. The students signed up for their classes can see them and upload back the answers.
Question & Answers This will help problem solving for the weak as well as brilliant students. Its archives would help professors save time using previous years’ data.
Create digital libraries Professors can share resources with the students. For face to face class or distance learning, its best tool for knowledge distribution.
Announcements Professors can post class updates for all their students.
Grade and Feedback Professors can provide feedback & grade online to the students’ assignments.
GradeBook It helps consolidated comparative data of students's grades in different assignments. Professors can identify who has been performing well and who needs to work on their lessons.
Analytics Graphical representation of professor-student activities in class Discussions and their performance in subjective assignments and multiple choice questions.
Multiple Choice Questions Students learn their scores automatically after taking the multiple choice questions assignments.
Performance Indicators Performance indicators about Courses, Professors and Students. They help administrators, professors and students take right decisions about enhancing the learning experience, areas of weakness and strengths.